Complete 7-part
Supplement Program
Foundation and Trace-colors supplements, that ensure great coral growth
and coloration alongside a prolific refugium algae population

Complete 7-part Supplement Program
Foundation and Trace-colors supplements, that ensure great coral growth
and coloration alongside a prolific refugium algae population

Complete 7-part
Supplement Program
Foundation and Trace-colors supplements, that ensure great coral growth and coloration alongside a prolific refugium algae population

Precise. Safe. Successful.
The proven, 7-part Foundation & Trace-colors program that ensures optimal coral growth and coloration, alongside a prolific refugium algae population by accurately replenishing the water with all 36 Major, Minor and Trace elements that get used up regularly by all the reef inhabitants according to their specific measured uptake.

Foundation ABC
Maintains correctly balanced levels of Calcium, Alkalinity & Magnesium
These elements are the foundation of the reef environment and include the calcium, magnesium and alkalinity components of seawater.
These three reef foundation elements have a major effect on the water chemistry (pH stability, alkalinity and seawater ionic strength). While corals use these elements in a relatively fixed ratio, refugium algae use them in a different ratio (mainly magnesium and alkalinity) and therefore should be supplemented individually according to their precise uptake.
Each of the Foundation elements should be measured weekly using accurate test kits.

Trace Colors ABCD
Provides the 31 minor and trace elements necessary for coral vitality and color, and refugium algae growth
The Trace-Color supplements divides these 31 elements into four groups; A, B, C and D, that are related by the biological functions they perform. They are also associated with the production of specific color pigments in the soft tissue of stony corals.
They have been formulated such that the ratio of the elements in each supplement is the same as that found in the skeleton and soft tissue of corals. However, refugium algae use up the Trace-colors elements in addition to those taken up by the corals so they need to be supplemented according to a measured uptake of their lead elements.
Precise. Safe. Successful.
The proven, 7-part Foundation & Trace-colors program that ensures optimal coral growth and coloration, alongside a prolific refugium algae population by accurately replenishing the water with all 36 Major, Minor and Trace elements that get used up regularly by all the reef inhabitants according to their specific measured uptake.

Foundation ABC
Maintains correctly balanced levels of Calcium, Alkalinity & Magnesium
These elements are the foundation of the reef environment and include the calcium, magnesium and alkalinity components of seawater. These three reef foundation elements have a major effect on the water chemistry (pH stability, alkalinity and seawater ionic strength). While corals use these elements in a relatively fixed ratio, refugium algae use them in a different ratio (mainly magnesium and alkalinity) and therefore should be supplemented individually according to their precise uptake. Each of the Foundation elements should be measured weekly using accurate test kits.

Trace Colors ABCD
Provides the 31 minor and trace elements necessary for coral vitality and color, and refugium algae growth
The Trace-Color supplements divides these 31 elements into four groups; A, B, C and D, that are related by the biological functions they perform. They are also associated with the production of specific color pigments in the soft tissue of stony corals. They have been formulated such that the ratio of the elements in each supplement is the same as that found in the skeleton and soft tissue of corals. However, refugium algae use up the Trace-colors elements in addition to those taken up by the corals so they need to be supplemented according to a measured uptake of their lead elements.
Precise. Safe. Successful.
The proven, 7-part Foundation & Trace-colors program that ensures optimal coral growth and coloration, alongside a prolific refugium algae population by accurately replenishing the water with all 36 Major, Minor and Trace elements that get used up regularly by all the reef inhabitants according to their specific measured uptake.

Foundation ABC
Maintains correctly balanced levels of Calcium, Alkalinity & Magnesium
These elements are the foundation of the reef environment and include the calcium, magnesium and alkalinity components of seawater.
These three reef foundation elements have a major effect on the water chemistry (pH stability, alkalinity and seawater ionic strength). While corals use these elements in a relatively fixed ratio, refugium algae use them in a different ratio (mainly magnesium and alkalinity) and therefore should be supplemented individually according to their precise uptake.
Each of the Foundation elements should be measured weekly using accurate test kits.

Trace Colors ABCD
Provides the 31 minor and trace elements necessary for coral vitality and color, and refugium algae growth
The Trace-Color supplements divides these 31 elements into four groups; A, B, C and D, that are related by the biological functions they perform. They are also associated with the production of specific color pigments in the soft tissue of stony corals.
They have been formulated such that the ratio of the elements in each supplement is the same as that found in the skeleton and soft tissue of corals. However, refugium algae use up the Trace-colors elements in addition to those taken up by the corals so they need to be supplemented according to a measured uptake of their lead elements.
Seeing is believing

7-Part Reef
Care explained
Coral growth
& coloration
Elevated levels of
Foundation Elements
for a Refugium
7-Part Reef Care explained
A successful coral reef aquarium is dependent upon maintaining the appropriate water parameters that provide the stable environment required by the corals. This is achieved by starting with balanced seawater such as using Red Sea or Coral Pro Salt and using complete and balanced supplements, that are formulated to work together for long term use, without changing the ionic balance of the water.
The original 7-part Reef Care program is the result of years of research into the physiological demands of SPS, LPS & Soft Corals in the reef aquarium and practical experience on tens of thousands of diverse reef tanks worldwide.
This research has shown that corals take up the 36 Major, Minor and Trace elements in a relatively fixed ratio, however, the macro-algae of refugiums (or algae scrubbers) also take up these elements from the water differently from the corals. To ensure optimal water conditions for coral growth and coloration, alongside the sustainable macro algae growth needed for effective for nutrient control, it is necessary to supplement each of the Foundation and Trace-Colors based on a measured uptake of their primary element.
- Foundation A contains: Calcium, Strontium & Barium.
- Foundation B contains: KH/Alkalinity components.
- Foundation C contains: Magnesium.
- Trace-Colors A contains: Iodine, Bromine & Fluorine.
- Trace-Colors B contains: Potassium & Boron.
- Trace-Colors C contains: Iron, Manganese, Cobalt, Copper, Aluminum, Zinc, Chrome & Nickel.
- Trace-Colors D contains: 18 other bioactive trace elements. (Dose 1:1 with Trace-Color C)
Coral Growth & Coloration
Although all the elements found in natural seawater have an important role in providing the optimal water parameters, a few of them have a more significant role in the overall stability. These elements are the foundation of the reef environment, and they include the three major elements: Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg) and Bi-Carbonates (HCO3). These 3 elements have a major effect on the water chemistry (pH stability, Alkalinity, sea water ionic strength) and on many of the coral’s biological processes (skeleton formation, ions exchange, photosynthesis).
The minor and trace elements that are present in the skeleton and soft tissue of all corals are known as important biocatalysts in the thousands of metabolic processes in marine organisms as well as having a direct connection to specific coral pigments. All these elements must be readily available in all reef aquariums, however, many of them become toxic in concentrations above the levels found in natural sea water and therefore their correct dosage is crucial to the long-term success of any reef aquarium.
Coral Growth (Skeletogenesis) is the process by which the corals precipitate the foundation elements together with Strontium and Barium from the surrounding water to form the building blocks of coral skeletons. Corals build approximately 97% of their skeleton by combining Ca and CO3 ions from the water to form Aragonite (CaCO3). The rest of the skeleton is made up from the other minor and trace elements.
In unbalanced conditions such as low levels of Magnesium and Strontium the skeleton will develop with a higher proportion of Calcite making it more brittle and more susceptible to damage. The foundation elements complement each other in the formation of coral skeleton and if not available in the correct ratios one of them will quickly become the limiting factor of healthy coral growth.
Corals display their vivid colors due to the production of pigments (chromoproteins) that protect the delicate inner layers of the coral soft tissue from intense UV radiation, like the tanning of human skin when exposed to direct sunlight. The pigments can only be produced by the soft tissue of the coral if the specific elements required for the bio-chemical process are available in the correct concentration. Our research has identified 4 distinct groups of trace elements that have a direct connection to each of the natural pink, red, green/yellow & blue/purple coral pigments. However, all the elements are necessary for all mixed reefs and SPS aquariums without connection to the colors of the specific corals.
Elevated Levels of Foundation Elements
Elevated levels of the foundation elements create a higher saturation state inside the corals that induces faster aragonite formation making this process much more efficient (less energy required from the coral per gram of skeleton). Therefore, balanced elevated levels of the foundation elements will result in accelerated coral growth rates.
In reef aquariums, corals often have higher than natural populations of Zooxanthellae algae that give a deep brown tint obscuring the natural vivid pigments of the corals. Lowering the Zooxanthellae populations by fine control of algae nutrients (such as with Red Sea’sNO3:PO4-X) will remove the brownish tint and induce the production of pigments(chromoproteins), enhancing the coloration of the corals. When aiming to enhance coral coloration by reducing the levels of algae nutrients, it is advisable to maintain lower balanced levels of the foundation elements to prevent causing stress to the corals.
The desired levels of the foundation elements are therefore dependent on your objectives for your aquarium, and you should choose the salt mix and salinity that gives them. The Complete Reef Care supplements will then enable you to maintain these levels by replenishing the elements as they are used up.
Supplementing for a Refugium
Supplementing Foundation and Trace-colors for optimal coral growth and coloration can be relatively simple as all of the elements are used up in a relatively fixed and predictable way. However, when relying on the macro-algae of a refugium, to reduce the nitrate and phosphate levels, supplementing the Foundation and Trace-Colors elements is more complex.
Supplementing for the corals can be based on measuring the uptake of the calcium as this is the most dominant element that is a direct indication of coral growth. Macro-algae, however, take up all of the other elements apart from calcium, so calcium cannot be used on its own to control supplementation for systems with a refugium. Furthermore, macro-algae have the ability to accumulate many of the trace elements, over and above what that they need for growth, so relying on algae growth indicators such as iron or potassium are also not going to ensure that all elements are available for the corals.
The original Reef Care Program provides all of the 36 Major, Minor and Trace elements that are used up by both the corals and macro-algae in 7 individual supplements that should be monitored by the full range of Foundation and Trace-Colors Pro test kits to ensure that all of the elements are replenished as an when they are used up, by the all of the biological processes that are going on in the system.
It is recommended to do small but frequent harvesting of the macro-algae from the aquarium to limit the variations in both daily algae nutrient (nitrate and phosphate) removal as well as the uptake of Foundation and Trace-Colors elements.
If you are interested in a simpler testing and supplementing routine, consider using NOPOX to control your algae nutrients and use the 4-part Complete Reef Care with a single weekly calcium test.

7-Part Reef Care
Coral growth
& coloration
Elevated levels of
Foundation Elements
for a Refugium
7-Part Reef Care explained
A successful coral reef aquarium is dependent upon maintaining the appropriate water parameters that provide the stable environment required by the corals. This is achieved by starting with balanced seawater such as using Red Sea or Coral Pro Salt and using complete and balanced supplements, that are formulated to work together for long term use, without changing the ionic balance of the water.
The original 7-part Reef Care program is the result of years of research into the physiological demands of SPS, LPS & Soft Corals in the reef aquarium and practical experience on tens of thousands of diverse reef tanks worldwide.
Coral Growth & Coloration
Although all the elements found in natural seawater have an important role in providing the optimal water parameters, a few of them have a more significant role in the overall stability. These elements are the foundation of the reef environment, and they include the three major elements: Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg) and Bi-Carbonates (HCO3). These 3 elements have a major effect on the water chemistry (pH stability, Alkalinity, sea water ionic strength) and on many of the coral’s biological processes (skeleton formation, ions exchange, photosynthesis).
The minor and trace elements that are present in the skeleton and soft tissue of all corals are known as important biocatalysts in the thousands of metabolic processes in marine organisms as well as having a direct connection to specific coral pigments. All these elements must be readily available in all reef aquariums, however, many of them become toxic in concentrations above the levels found in natural sea water and therefore their correct dosage is crucial to the long-term success of any reef aquarium.
Elevated Levels of Foundation Elements
Elevated levels of the foundation elements create a higher saturation state inside the corals that induces faster aragonite formation making this process much more efficient (less energy required from the coral per gram of skeleton). Therefore, balanced elevated levels of the foundation elements will result in accelerated coral growth rates.
In reef aquariums, corals often have higher than natural populations of Zooxanthellae algae that give a deep brown tint obscuring the natural vivid pigments of the corals. Lowering the Zooxanthellae populations by fine control of algae nutrients (such as with Red Sea’sNO3:PO4-X) will remove the brownish tint and induce the production of pigments(chromoproteins), enhancing the coloration of the corals. When aiming to enhance coral coloration by reducing the levels of algae nutrients, it is advisable to maintain lower balanced levels of the foundation elements to prevent causing stress to the corals.
The desired levels of the foundation elements are therefore dependent on your objectives for your aquarium, and you should choose the salt mix and salinity that gives them. The Complete Reef Care supplements will then enable you to maintain these levels by replenishing the elements as they are used up.
Supplementing for a Refugium
Supplementing Foundation and Trace-colors for optimal coral growth and coloration can be relatively simple as all of the elements are used up in a relatively fixed and predictable way. However, when relying on the macro-algae of a refugium, to reduce the nitrate and phosphate levels, supplementing the Foundation and Trace-Colors elements is more complex.
Supplementing for the corals can be based on measuring the uptake of the calcium as this is the most dominant element that is a direct indication of coral growth. Macro-algae, however, take up all of the other elements apart from calcium, so calcium cannot be used on its own to control supplementation for systems with a refugium. Furthermore, macro-algae have the ability to accumulate many of the trace elements, over and above what that they need for growth, so relying on algae growth indicators such as iron or potassium are also not going to ensure that all elements are available for the corals.
The original Reef Care Program provides all of the 36 Major, Minor and Trace elements that are used up by both the corals and macro-algae in 7 individual supplements that should be monitored by the full range of Foundation and Trace-Colors Pro test kits to ensure that all of the elements are replenished as an when they are used up, by the all of the biological processes that are going on in the system.
It is recommended to do small but frequent harvesting of the macro-algae from the aquarium to limit the variations in both daily algae nutrient (nitrate and phosphate) removal as well as the uptake of Foundation and Trace-Colors elements.
If you are interested in a simpler testing and supplementing routine, consider using NOPOX to control your algae nutrients and use the 4-part Complete Reef Care with a single weekly calcium test.
How much to supplement
To easily achieve your reefing goals, check out our online MyRecipe wizard, which recommends optimal water parameters, supplements and salt.
Try MyRecipe Wizard
How much to supplement
To easily achieve your reefing goals, check out our online MyRecipe wizard, which recommends optimal water parameters, supplements and salt.
Try MyRecipe Wizard
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